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COVID-19: The Show Must Go On!

Last week's new COVID rules have temporarily banned indoor activities for over 12s: but we've got a plan! Our Junior groups will continue in their usual format. And we're now working on how to take some of our activities out into the open. Brussels is about to experience Guerrilla Theatre! More on that soon!

We also have the option of online teaching. During the first COVID-19 lockdown, EYT moved to an online format in order to continue giving classes when they were needed most. Not only did our usual classes continue, but extra activities were offered, including a Film Club, where students chose, watched and critiqued some excellent movies as a group, but also a Social Club, where students could gather online to keep in touch and socialise in a safe environment.

We have plenty of options in our toolbox to make this work. We're determined to keep the show on the road for our students!

A screencap from our 2018 Film Stage - check it out here!

Obviously, no one wants to go back to online classes as long as it's not necessary. And as long as it is possible to do so, we will continue to offer our classes in person. But with a second lockdown looking increasingly possible, we want to assure students and parents that whatever happens, EYT is prepared to keep classes going!

Our motto remains unchanged: the show must go on!


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