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Full and half scholarships

EYT fut fondé en 1999 par Lynne Vaughan et Mike Cockburn sous le nom TIE ("Theatre In English / Theatre In Education"). Il n'y avait que huit élèves au début, et les cours avaient lieu à l'Espace Théâtral Scarabaeus à Schaerbeek. Maintenant, plus de 20 ans plus tard, EYT comprend plus de 100 élèves répartis sur trois lieus de cours, et s'adresse à des centaines de jeunes chaque année en tant que le seul centre d'examens de l'Académie de Londres en Belgique.

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How to apply for a scholarship?

To apply for a scholarship, you can get in touch with us using the Youth Theatre enquiry form, and click the "I qualify for a discount" drop-down menu. In the menu, select the discount that you qualify for.

When our team contacts you, they will ask you for a certificate from your mutuelle / mutaliteit proving your status as a beneficiary of the BIM / verhoogde tegemoetkoming, or for a document from the Forem (Wallonia), Actiris (Brussels) or VDAB (Flanders), proving you are a beneficiary of allocations de chômage / werkloosheidsuitkering. You will be asked to prove this every term, in order to ensure that places are going to those who need them.

Please note that there are only a limited number of scholarship places available, and a place may not be available in the teaching centre of your choice. If a place is available in another teaching centre, you may be offered that one. If no scholarship places are currently available, you have the option of being added to a waiting list until a place becomes available for your child.

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